I happened to be on the phone with my rather kitchen-savvy sister at the time. She replied to my dilemma with, “Just make cucumber sandwiches!” Like it was the easiest thing in the world. (As it turns out, it may actually be just that.) “That’s my go-to appetizer,” she says. Yes, because everyone has one of those! After putting her off a bit, she finally just explained what to do, and I thought, okay what the heck. Not as easy as buying a package of freshly made (not by me) donuts, but whatever. And guess what. BEST. EVER. These cucumber sandwiches are so good! Finger-lickin’ good, and I don’t say that lightly. Especially about a food that contains no chocolate or even a hint of sugar. And maybe everyone and their brother already knows this recipe, but it was news to me, so there you go.

Here’s the recipe! Easy as Sunday mornin’.
Download to print here.
And, the first snow has hit. Winter is officially here. I’m hoping we’ll still get one or two “warm” days, but they are definitely numbered. The funny thing is, I hate snow, but I love the first snow. It’s really hard not to like it. It’s so magical. Everything covered in white. The world just seems brighter and happier. And those memories of the last winter that just wouldn’t say goodbye and give us spring have faded so far into the recesses of my mind that I can’t remember the drudgery. I guess that’s a good thing. Anywho . . . here's to another long winter! I’ll go have me another delicious round of cucumber sandwiches and wassail.

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