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Feature & Follow Friday is a blog hop that expands your blog following by a joint effort between bloggers. Here's this week's question.
Q: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don't like love triangles or thin plots. Tell us about it.

This may be because I'm sitting next to a YA novel I just finished, but I'm going to say that what frustrates me is when an author takes a pretty creative plot and junks it up with a lot of
stuff (for lack of a better term), so at the end, I want to say it was good, but it really wasn't. What junk am I taking about? Here's an example:
Breaking Dawn. The first thought Edward would have of a child with Bella would be to "get that thing out"? Wolf pack explosion, do I really care what every single wolf is thinking all the time? Do we really need to start calling Jasper "Jazz" in the forth book? Did we really need the characters to actually
mention that there were so many vampires that it would help to have an index to keep them straight, and then add a
footnote to said list? Would Bella really have named her child that, I mean,
really? And don't even get me started on the final battle scene.
But the most disappointing thing about all of that, is that the story could have been so much more. It started out great, and then went way downhill, and then up and down, and over again. The
ideas behind it were awesome, but the execution of those ideas left much to be desired. And just simply
cutting out a lot would have been a start. I just have to shake my head and say
what a shame! Anyway, that's about it. That's kind of a downer, sorry! Hopefully I'm not offending anyone's deep and abiding love for the
Twilight series. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have a sort of love-hate relationship with some of these books because the creativity is up here, while I feel the interpretation of that creativity into words can sometimes be down there.
Thanks for stopping by, new follower.
I still haven't finished the last book because it ventured way to far into the ridiculous.
thanks for stopping by, i'm following back. you know, breaking dawn was my favorite along with eclipse of the twilight series, lol, you didn't offend me, that's just your opinion. but i can agree with you on some of those points. great answer!
Good answer! Breaking Dawn was the nail in the coffin of the Twilight series for me.
New follower!
I agree with your thoughts about Twilight. New follower :)
I agree! Thanks for stopping by I thought I would return the favour
I think I get what you're saying - and there seems to be a lot of books out there that have that same problem of being full of potentially great ideas, and then just not living up to that potential.
Thanks for stopping by Follow Me Friday @ Radiant Shadows, new follower :)
I agree! I hate it when the idea is good but then the book doesn't follow through on its potential. It's so disappointing! Thanks for stopping by! New follower :)
Great rant about twilight. I completely agree with everything you said. lol. I am a new follower. =]
Here is My FF
LOL! I've never read Twilight (and I don't ever plan to!), but it is annoying when the author adds unnecessary information which only takes away from the story.
Following back:)
jenn | my follow friday
Good answer! It's been three years since I have started Breaking Dawn and I still haven't finished it!
My Follow Friday
I completely agree! Sometimes more is not better!
Xpresso Reads
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower :)
Great answer. I feel the same way about Breaking Dawn. Plus I thought the author was trying to wrap it all up nice and sweet in the end. Even Jacob finds true love. *gag*
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