Miss Remmers' Review is doing a mini-challenge, but I'm afraid I don't have a great answer!
In this challenge we would like you to write a post on your blogs about your kick off strategy. What have you surrounded yourself with for these early hours of the challenge besides your books? Is there a coffee thermos, lucky book mark, snacks, pillow.... We want to know how you have prepared so you do not have to leave your cozy reading space (by the way - we'd like to know what is too.... (are you still in bed, a chair, the couch.....)
I decided not to try to plan too much for the readathon since it's my first time participating. I just got up in enough time to start reading by 6 a.m. And I'm in my pj's still and my bathrobe. Maybe I'll stay like that all day? Haven't decided yet. =) I'm also still currently on the couch, trying not to let myself get to comfortable!! I saw other posts of people who had packed nice little snacks. I'm definitely thinking about doing that next time! But, it's kind of fun thinking I can pick up any book I want next!
I did pick up some Dr. Pepper however to help in those last hours when I'm getting tired . . . we'll see if it works. =)
Ok, here's my Hour 2 update!
Title of book(s) read since last update: The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Number of books read since you started: 0
Pages read since last update: 302
Running total of pages read since you started: 302
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 100
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 100
Mini-challenges completed: 2
Other participants you’ve visited: Literate Housewife, Beach Reading, Ashley
Prize you’ve won: 0
1 comment:
Wow you are doing so well! Keep up the great reading! :) Now I am craving Dr Pepper! LOL
Readathon Cheerleader :D
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