Till We Read Again wants to know:
Listed below is a series of questions. Please put your nominees for the following categories.

Favorite Male Character in a book: Rudy (The Book Thief)
Favorite Side Kick in a book: Gosh... I don't know... let's say, Alice (Twilight series)
Favorite Couple in a Book: Katherine and Healthcliff (I'm a sucker for that book)
Favorite Book Series: The Hunger Games (currently)
Favorite Author: hmm... Jane Austen, Shannon Hale, Nick Hornby, to name a few
Favorite Book Cover:
I don't know why I love this cover, I just think it fits the book so well, and it really drew me in. I love old books. ---->
Favorite Book of 2009: The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson (although, technically, that's 2008)
And here's my reading update:
Title of book(s) read since last update: Catcher in the Rye
Number of books read since you started: 2
Pages read since last update: 293
Running total of pages read since you started: 595
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 100
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 200
Mini-challenges completed: 3
Other participants you’ve visited: Flamingo House Happenings
Prize you’ve won: 0
Reading takes a toll
Stand and stretch and eat
Settle back with book
Haiku #9 (inspired by Dawn @ She Is Too Fond of Books)
I love the cover for The Thirteenth Tale too! She needs to release more books...
Two books read...awesome! I love the cover for 13th too...I always thought it was so gorgeous and very fitting. Happy reading!
Oh, Rudy. *sob*
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