My husband wanted me to write that in honor of the readathon, he read the take out menu from our favorite Polynesian food restaurant from front to book. (Good job, dear!) Haha. He's such a kidder. However, he has read Catcher before, so I'm having a good time reading out funny or weird snippets from the book (of which there are many).
Here the update:
Title of book(s) started: Invention of Hugo Cabret, Catcher in the Rye
Number of books finished: 1
Pages read since last update: 96
Running total of pages read since you started: 691
Amount of time spent reading since last update: 140 minutes
Running total of time spent reading since you started: 340 minutes
Mini-challenges completed: 3

Books, books
They're everywhere
How you read them
We don't care!
Looks like you are doing great! Love your post and love this book picture!
Keep on reading!
You're doing fantastic! Keep Reading! :)
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